Showing posts with label Gospel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gospel. Show all posts

Saturday, May 4, 2024

St Florian, martyr

 John 15:18-21


- The world - a concept firmly anchored in today's Gospel. It describes a reality that is opposed to Jesus. Jesus himself mentions that he "chooses disciples out of the world".

- The world hates Jesus and his disciples.

- Election is another word that stands out in today's Gospel. Being chosen by Jesus takes you out of the world into a different reality where you are more connected to Jesus. Strong enough to experience what has become his experience.


Because of my name... These few words seem to be the key to understanding the few, rather complicated sentences that make up today's Gospel passage. 

First of all, it sets up quite well the relationship between the world and the elect. It focuses on the name of Jesus and therefore on his person.

Jesus draws attention to how he himself was treated by the people. He reminds us that there were those who rejected Him and fought against Him, but there were also those who accepted His word. 

He points out that those who have been chosen by him should not expect anything different. The same will be true for them.

This is also fulfilled in the life of today's patron saint, St Florian, who suffered martyrdom as a Christian who stood firm in his faith. 

But to be chosen by Jesus is one thing. In the end, you can reject it and not care. You can stay in the world. 

St Florian experienced persecution because he remained faithful. The experience of being chosen is an important experience for him. An experience more precious than life itself.


Lord Jesus. Already in the Sacrament of Baptism I have experienced election through You. Let me experience it as a special union with You. Help me to protect myself in You from the difficulties of a world that does not want to live with You, and help me to proclaim You effectively to those to whom You send me.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

6th Easter Sunday

 "I no longer call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing, but I have called you friends, for I have made known to you all that I have heard from my Father. "


John 15:9-17

- friend

1. 'a person in close, cordial relations with someone'.

2. "a person showing affection to someone or something, favouring something".

- servant "one who takes care of someone's house, farm and is paid for it"

- servant

1. 'to act in the interest of something or for the benefit of someone'

2. 'to be used'

3. "to be useful to someone in something"

4. formerly "to work in someone's house, doing cleaning, helping with household chores, etc., receiving remuneration for doing so"


- Christ makes the servant-friend distinction. He emphasises that the relationship he wants to build with his disciples is one of friendship. It is, on the one hand, a form of ennoblement, but on the other, an expression of the desire for closeness.

-Friendship is a relationship of love and trust. There is room for openness and the exchange of opinions and thoughts.

- What is my relationship with Jesus like? Am I closer to calling myself a friend or a servant?


Lord Jesus. You called me friend long before I was born. You want to call me friend today too. I want to live my life basing it on love for you. On trusting in you. Bless these intentions of mine.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

5th Easter Sunday

John 15:1-8

He who abides in Christ bears much fruit

- What does it mean to remain in Christ?

- What does it mean to bear much fruit?

In the Gospel, Jesus uses the image of the vine to show that in order to bear fruit, a plant must be connected to a root that nourishes it. 

To abide in Christ is to be immersed in the nourishment He provides, which can become the source of our "fruit-bearing".

- Fruit - something that will last from my life; something that will withstand the test of death.

- Fruit - not just any fruit, produced in Jesus.

Looking at the allegories of the vine, we might think of baptism as the moment of implantation - of union with the vine, with Christ. But being grafted in is by no means the same as abiding. 

For abiding to be effective, there is a need for nourishment and care, expressed first of all in receiving nourishment - the Eucharist, but also in the care of rejecting unhealthy and undesirable elements - the sacrament of Penance.

Confirmation is still to come. It is also a special moment in the building of this relationship called perseverance.

But even that is not enough. Perseverance is more than a few 'point' events. Abiding is in a sense infinite. It is a dynamic process, a kind of ossification.

Woman of the Eucharist

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